What we offer

What we offer

Duna College is basically a preparatory school to prepare students who wish to be accepted into Hungarian state universities. Not only do we teach our students for an entrance exam but also full preparation and gain of the required knowledge needed to apply and to begin their studies at target universities.Applicants who join our training programs would have this opportunity to get accepted into different universities in Hungary.

College programs are divided into 4 branches out of which each branch prepares target students for different disciplines at target universities. By passing each course students will be able to commence their studies in their desired study programs. Courses are developed to cover different prerequisites required for university studies.

What we offer

Our courses include:

1) Pre-Medical

Appropriate for applicants, who wish to study in the following fields:

  • General Medicine
  • Dentistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Veterinary
  • Physiotherapy
  • Nursing

2) Pre-Engineering

Appropriate for applicants, who wish to study in the following fields:

  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Computer & Informatics
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Transportation & Vehicle Engineering

3) Business or Pre-Economic

Appropriate for applicants, who wish to study in the following fields:

  • Business
  • Management
  • Tourism

4) Pre-Masters

Appropriate for applicants to al Mater degree programs.


5) Pre-PhD.

Appropriate for applicants to al doctoral programs.


6) General business and German language preparation 

Appropriate for applicants to German language programs. 


7) Pre-high school

Our Pre-high school program is for those who do not bear school leaving certificate (High school diploma) and passed grade 10th or 11th of high school. 

These students can join our Pre-high school preparatory program in order to expedite their secondary and higher education.

Applicants to this program will choose their study program and must supply their high school diploma (eg. remote learning) by the end of their study at Duna College.


7) TRC courses (Pathway to study in the UK, the USA)

For more information about how a TRC course works and what opportunities it may give you, please click here!


Course Formats:

The above courses are delivered in 3 different formats in the following details:

A. Regular courses

  • These types of courses include all Major and English language modules (Subjects). 
  • Study duration: One academic year

B. Intensive curses: 

  • These types of courses include all Major and English language modules (Subjects). 
  • Study duration: One academic semester

C. Master courses:

  • These types of courses include only the Major modules (Subjects) in Pre-medical, Pre-engineering, Pre-economic, General business and German language
  • Study duration: One academic year or one academic semester 
  • Master courses is only a title and does not mean a Masters degree.

D. Dual courses:

  • These types of courses include two Major, English or German language modules (Subjects) in Pre-medical, Pre-engineering, Pre-economic, General business and German language
  • Study duration: One academic year or one academic semester 

For more information about the tuition fee of each format please click here!


  • Major language can be chosen between English and German in all study programs but the core and specialized modules will be taught only in English language.